Ag building

Dear Normangee Residents: 

In November, Normangee ISD witnessed the bond election fail by 38 votes. As unfortunate as it was, the needs that were identified by our facilities committee did not disappear just because the bond election was unsuccessful. It was time to regroup and work diligently to understand the community’s perspective and how to best communicate a bond election. 

Since November, the facilities committee has grown with the addition of several community members, business owners, and parents. Over the course of several meetings, intentional planning and purposeful conversations have led the committee to provide the school board with a recommendation to call an $18,600,000 bond election to be voted on in May. On February 11th, the school board voted unanimously to call a bond election in May for the $18,600,000. 

A new Ag building and shop, additional classrooms, and correcting drainage issues remain key projects in the May 2022 bond proposition. In addition to those priorities, other projects include a new greenhouse, renovations to the Red Brick Building to create dedicated career-technology-education classrooms and labs, kitchen improvements and renovations, cafeteria seating expansion, a weight room, old gym renovations, and a new elementary playground. 

It is imperative that these projects and the reasoning for the bond election is communicated clearly and effectively to all of our community members and stakeholders. Here are a few key facts about the upcoming bond election:

  • Since 2015 NISD Enrollment has grown from 527 to 622. 

  • NISD consistently receives an A Rating on the statewide Financial Accountability Report

  • NISD has proactively voted to reduce the tax rate over the last 3 years

  • There will be a constitutional amendment on the May ballot to increase the homestead exemption by $15,000

  • The projected tax rate impact of the May bond is 10 cents

  • The continued increase in construction costs places importance on the timeliness of facility improvements

  • Additional classrooms will alleviate overcrowding at the Middle School and provide growth capacity

  • A larger and renovated ag shop, as well as other new CTE classrooms, will provide additional opportunities for High School students to receive an industry-based certification

  • Cafeteria serving line renovations would increase efficiency and address current ADA accessibility issues

  • ADA accessibility will also be addressed through a new playground and greenhouse

This May, voters across the State of Texas, will be voting on an increase to their residential homestead exemption, raising it from $25,000 to $40,000. This would decrease the taxable value for people’s homestead properties. This means that even with a tax rate increase from a bond election, some taxpayers may pay less than last year on their residential homesteads, depending on their year-over-year values established by the appraisal district.

This article is intended to provide basic information regarding the upcoming bond election. Over the next few months, you will have opportunities to visit with district leadership and facility committee members about the recommended improvements, planning process, financial impacts, and any other questions you have regarding the bond. 

If you currently have a question about the bond or want to tour our current facilities, please email NISD Superintendent, Mark Ruffin, at or call 936-396-3111. 

Mark Ruffin

Superintendent of Schools